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How to set up Valentine’s Day Campaign on Social and Scale with Insight-Driven Dynamic Video Ads

Ad fatigue is a real monster that can wreak havoc with your marketing budget in the Cupid day campaign. When CTR is dropping, that’s a red signal.

Valentine’s Day encourages spending. According to the NRF, US consumers celebrating this holiday were expected to spend nearly $150 each, while total spending was expected to exceed $19 billion.

Today, we share the insights-driven prospecting strategy that has helped our clients to skyrocket ROAS, and you can reuse it to take your Valentine’s Day advertising to the next level and avoid ad fatigue.

When people are buying gifts – it’s a rare opportunity to sell products on the first interaction.

Valentine Campaign Setup

Valentine’s Day gives you the opportunity to lure the lovebirds to your online store. People purchasing gifts are a rare opportunity to sell products on the first interaction so the campaign doesn’t need to be longer than one week. Grab those last-minute Valentine’s shoppers.

Your campaign needs to go wide, so we will create a reach objective campaign, and optimize it for conversions.

This demands a high impact high engagement format. Users need to feel good about the gift they are about to give to their loved ones. The product needs to grab their attention. For this type of campaign, we suggest that your placement should primarily be in story placement.

Valentine's day  ads

With these burst type campaigns you don’t need active remarketing DPA as you are reaching a new audience, and conversion journey is too short to engage in collecting user interaction data. If you are interested in advanced remarketing journeys, check out our playbook with a spreadsheet ready-to-implement strategy.

Keep in mind what makes Valentine’s special for marketers

Men are likely to spend almost twice as much on Valentine’s Day than women. Valentine’s is the only e-commerce calendar event when you target men with women products.

When creating your campaign, target men in the 25-34 age bracket and increase your ad frequency as the holiday gets nearer.

Engage and sell at the top of the funnel

Think of the TOF ultimately as a cold and ready to buy audiences. They have never heard of your product/brand before. Video ad needs to grab their attention, and most importantly, it needs to send a clear message. Be sure that your message is short and compelling and includes a clear call for action. Engaging videos will increase click-through rates and deliver high-quality traffic.

Imagine this scenario. You are looking for a gift for your significant other, you know they want sunglasses, but you’re unsure where to start? How do you decide? The right creative needs to show you that you’re on the right track, that this is indeed the perfect gift.

This is where your customer currently is, they are not sure which products and brands are popular, and they want to purchase a valentine's gift right away for their partner. You are assisting them to choose the best gift.

You have the power to use your data to help them choose the right product. Create ads that will point them to trending products, brands, or best-selling categories.

Produce Google Analytics data-driven Video Ads

To learn what creative/products are resonating with different audiences, leverage Dynamic Creative. Dynamic creative finds top-performing products and delivers them to your target audience. You can connect your campaign with Google analytics and automate the full campaign process and leverage that data to run a more effective campaign.

Predictive Product Journeys

Using insights-driven data you are able to unlock predictive product journeys.

Connect your campaign with Google Analytics and run a campaign with TOP 5 most popular products.

Use purchase data to build Lookalike audiences (1% and 3%) and unleash your analytics data into the ads. Advertise the group of top 5 products from the selected category, top brands, you name it.

TIP: Target with a lookalike audience of 3% and let Google Analytics advertise TOP 3-performing categories. TOP 3 products from the category will always be active in the campaign. As output your campaign will produce 15 dynamic videos automatically.

The best way to do this is to run a fully automated DCO campaign.

Dynamic campaign can help you to advertise:

  • Top selling products
  • Top product categories
  • Top products from selected brands
  • Selection of products by Average order value
  • Your custom selection of products pasted in a live spreadsheet

Automated campaigns powered by Hunch will allow you to use the live sales data and update campaigns in real-time.

What about Ad assets? Design a compelling dynamic ad template, and all messaging and product images will be automated from your e-comm store. Dynamic video ads use product data, and they are taking variables (name, price, sales discounts, pictures) from your product feed. Using dynamic values is super easy. Anydata you have can be used as part of your creative.

How easy it is to enable product-based feed video advertising? Effortlessly!

Create and test a large number of video ads, get insights, and optimize to drive higher revenue with data-based offers.

Valentine campaign: take-aways

When it comes to the first big consumer e-commerce holiday of the year, increasing your paid social efforts can make a lot of sense.

Video is the most powerful and engaging Ad format, but its time-consuming and costly production process limits brands to a one size fit all approach. By dynamically creating video versions for each product selection or brand, you will add relevance for shoppers and increase the ROI simultaneously.

That is the way to avoid ad fatigue. You will unleash creativity with dynamic video ad creation and get an even better ROAS.

If you need assistance in planning your Valentine Day campaign or you just want to learn more about Dynamic Video Ads, then get in touch for a FREE strategy call.