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Celtra vs Hunch: Best Celtra alternative for social media advertising

The main difference between Celtra and Hunch is that Celtra is focused on creative production. Hunch excels in creative production as well, while automating your social advertising from A to Z, giving you the option to publish, manage, and optimize campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat directly through the platform.

Celtra is a creative management platform for digital advertising (i.e., banners) that operates as a cloud-based, self-service software for streamlining the whole creative production process.  

Hunch is a popular Celtra alternative. From the creative perspective, everything you’ll have at Celtra, you’ll have at Hunch. 

What Hunch brings on top of creative automation is campaign management, as an equally important part of the advertising process. It complements the creative automation platform beautifully, which helps brands to run effective campaigns. Our features extend to workflow automation, cross-functional collaboration, and data-driven insights to drive successful paid social campaigns.

How to pick the right platform? That boils down to your main focus. If that is paid social then we’re confident that Hunch can be a better solution for your business. But still, let’s not jump to conclusions, dive into our detailed comparison and find out which platform is best for your specific advertising goals.

Comparison tables

Hunch specializes in serving performance marketing agencies and mid-market companies. However, while Hunch is still attractive for SMBs because of its flexible pricing model, Celtra caters more towards the mid-market segment of companies that have a relatively higher ad spend.

While both Hunch and Celtra can provide great results, they have significant differences in terms of features, user experience, pricing and additional services.

Hunch is an invaluable Celtra alternative for companies that want a more comprehensive advertising solution with more features while still being affordable.

Here’s a complete breakdown of all the features both platforms provide:

Social Advertising

Unlike Celtra, Hunch offers comprehensive campaign management and automated media buying solutions. Hunch is also a Meta Business Partner, that enables you to scale across formats, placements and social channels easily.

Social Advertising Celtra
Meta & Snapchat Campaign Management green-tick balck-cross-icon
Meta & Snapchat Catalog Management green-tick balck-cross-icon
Enriched Catalogs green-tick green-tick
Dynamic Ads green-tick green-tick
Product Level Video green-tick green-tick
Automated Media Buying green-tick balck-cross-icon

Creative Solutions

Creative Solutions Celtra
Dynamic Image & Video Templates green-tick green-tick
PSD Import green-tick green-tick
Brand Kit green-tick green-tick
Conditional visibility green-tick green-tick
AI Background Removal green-tick balck-cross-icon
AI Color Discovery green-tick balck-cross-icon
AI Dynamic Layout Orientation green-tick balck-cross-icon
AI Text Assistant balck-cross-icon green-tick
Multi Format Templates green-tick green-tick

Hunch offers both automation of creative production and campaign management, while Celtra’s focus is solely on the production aspect of the creative process.

Hunch offers a centralized hub where users can optimize all Paid Social marketing efforts even after launch, which is a huge benefit for companies looking for a full-stack platform for all Paid Social activities. On the other hand, Celtra is limited to traditional use cases of the dynamic creative ad production. This is what makes Hunch a highly appealing Celtra alternative.

If you are looking to set up dynamic ads for multi-regional campaigns and cross-account workflows, Hunch offers a far superior solution due to its ability to help you monitor and optimize your campaigns.

Why do we strongly focus on the campaign management part, even when talking about creative? Let us paint you the picture. 

Celtra lets you create one template for a catalog. You'll get an enriched link and then you’ll need to proceed to Meta to publish the campaign. After that, if you want to edit a campaign you’ll need to do that directly on Meta, or if you want to change the creative you’ll need to repeat the process: go back to the Celtra, create a template, get an enriched link, and go to Meta to switch the links. 

Here’s how the workflow looks like on Hunch: You can create up to 20 templates within the catalog, and any changes you make in Creative Studio at any time will automatically sync with the catalog. That’s how you make the process smooth. 


Service Celtra
Customer Success green-tick green-tick
Onboarding & Training green-tick green-tick
Support Chat green-tick green-tick

Hunch offers a wider range of production support services, which Celtra is unable to provide since it does not have campaign management functionality as explained earlier.

When it comes to strategy support, Hunch shines as one of the top Celtra alternatives in this regard. Hunch offers services such as automated post boosting and leverages creative insights to optimize your ad campaigns. For example, if you connect your Google Analytics account to Hunch, it identifies your top-performing products and creates ads for them. Such features make Hunch highly appealing for creative testing and iteration.


Pricing Celtra
Subscription Model Starts at €2500 per month Get in touch with Celtra
Pricing Structure Based on Hunch-created campaigns Get in touch with Celtra

Both Hunch and Celtra have completely different pricing models, so based on your requirements you may see greater value in one platform over the other.

Celtra charges users based on impression cost which is multiplied by the format of the ad. For example, if you run a rich media ad with DCO via Celtra, your final ad cost will be 2.5x the base impression cost. So while the base cost might seem low, you will likely be paying much more than this quoted price once you start implementing ads.

On the other hand, Hunch is basing the pricing only on ad spend going through the platform. This makes Hunch far more cost-effective for paid social campaigns.

Pros and Cons Comparison: Is Hunch truly the best Celtra alternative?

Here’s a consolidated list of pros and cons of each platform to help you make an informed decision:



  • It gives you the ability to fully automate your advertising for Paid Social
  • Nifty technology powered by AI
  • Full-stack solution for ad production
  • Campaign management for monitoring
  • Has its Creative Studio for both images and videos
  • Flexible pricing


  • Smaller company
  • Focus solely on social media advertising
  • It isn’t a hybrid marketing agency
  • Video and image templates have a small learning curve



  • Celtra's creative preview tool works well
  • The UI itself is easy to navigate and does not lag in terms of load time
  • The search functionality works well
  • Large company with a track record of success
  • Deliver dynamic creative, at scale across the entire media plan, in real-time


  • It does not encourage the ability to configure and set quick customization criteria
  • Expensive compared to similar products
  • Workflow is convoluted, has a learning curve
  • Purely a creative management platform, no campaign management functionality
  • The onboarding process can be extensive, particularly for organizations with no experience with creative automation or DCO

Why Choose Hunch?

Long story short: We are the platform that actually does all this work for you so your team doesn’t have to spend so much time on manual work.

To recapitulate, Hunch goes above and beyond what Celtra has to offer SMBs and agencies in one intuitive platform. While Celtra is an excellent tool, it is limited to creative production. On the other hand, Hunch offers everything Celtra does regarding social advertising, while Hunch automates your processes from A to Z, for both static and dynamic campaigns. 

Campaign management is an equally important part of the advertising process, and Hunch prides itself on being able to deliver on this aspect. For an end-to-end solution that allows brands to scale their creative production and analytics to guide their creative process, Hunch is clearly a superior Celtra alternative.

To support this bold claim, here are some statistics: here are the results of Conversion Lift Study with Hunch.

Incremental revenue Hunch

Meta's marketing science team conducted a 4-week Conversion Lift Study to measure the lift in ROAS for one of our customers. Using Hunch AI-powered tools, they removed backgrounds from 350,000 product images to create enriched DPAs. 

The results of testing showed that Hunch templates outperformed both competitor overlay and no-overlay templates across all frontiers, driving an incremental ROAS lift of 2.3x. Therefore, partnering with Hunch is estimated to save you 64% in annual costs.

Still not convinced? Try out the Hunch platform and we’ll be glad to assist you with any questions you may have. Book a demo and discover how to accelerate your growth through Paid Social now!