How to turn test drives into cars sold on Paid Social

Hunch Voice: This time from Hunch
This time on the Hunch Voice with Ema Moljevic, our Growth Marketing Manager, we spoke up about how to turn test drives into cars sold on Paid Social using dynamic localized ads in the automotive industry.
Since new car offers are now rarely showcased in person, car manufacturers and car dealerships are adapting to the new normal. Even so, 97% of people looking to purchase, repair or customize a car begin their journey online.
With fast and effective online shopping methods, buyers can access car reviews, offers, sales, new car models and more. But customers usually take their time before making a purchase.
For better understanding, take a look at the presentation slides.
What are the benefits of localized Facebook automotive dynamic ads?
Localized Facebook automotive dynamic ads are a great way to reach car buyers, albeit that doesn’t tell the entire brand narrative. In fact, it’s not nearly enough to properly show off available stock from the car brand.
Think of it this way: buyers are attracted to familiar car models. To accomplish this, it’s important to serve relevant ads to the right audience, spotlighting the right offers, at the right time. Through localized personalization, car dealerships and car manufacturers reel in more test drives, and easily convert those into actual sales.
What can you expect from using dynamic localized ads in the automotive industry?
The automotive industry is heavily focused on short or long-form videos for presenting car models. Most brands are facing the challenge of producing such videos, which usually end up with poor VTRs, and extremely bad return on ad spend. While localized automotive dynamics ads can show your inventory to a wider audience, they won’t do much to solve the mentioned pain points.
In contrast, personalization and contextualization can really turn things around for car manufacturers and car dealerships. In fact, it’s a powerful way to resonate with car-buying audiences, and an effective method to achieve your goals.
Personalized, high-impact creatives add the perfect flair to ad campaigns and pave the way for quality leads, high engagement and more.
👉 Next Steps
Want to put your localization on auto-pilot? How about exceeding your own goals while you're at it?
Reach us out again if you want to go local on Social, we'd be happy to help. Contact your dedicated Customer Success Manager for further details. And in case you're not a Hunch customer yet, sign up for our platform demo.